Let's Have Fun At
Farm Store

Mushroom Spinach Brown Rice Loaf

  1. Vegetarians take notice! This is an outstanding Mushroom Spinach Brown Rice Loaf baked in a 4 x 8 loaf pan for yourself or a family dinner.


$13.88 + 1.12 sales tax = $15.00

  • Ingredients – brown rice, olive oil, onion, garlic, celery, salt, pepper, cremini mushrooms, tarragon, fresh spinach, sun dried tomatoes, eggs, Dijon mustard, vegetable broth

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1 review for Mushroom Spinach Brown Rice Loaf

  1. user622be0121907f

    Anne Trotter
    Got the 3 bean salad from FarmDrop the other day and it is *gorgeous*. Love the falafel too, the cabbage rolls are really good but that mushroom loaf is *amazing*. I was upstairs when my husband tried some and heard his say “oh sh**” and I thought something was wrong- nope, he just tried the mushroom loaf and loved it!

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