Let's Have Fun At
Farm Store

Vendor Benefits

Farm Store is the easiest way for vendors to get an online store up and running.  Each farmer/producer can customize product offerings to match requirements at each of their markets.  For example, if Tom’s Farm sells carrots at the Bangor Market but not at the Hampden Market, the Tom’s Farm “virtual store” will only list carrots for pickup in Bangor.
The mission of Farm Store is to provide Maine residence and visitors greater access to local farmers markets. This is a collaborative marketplace with multiple farmers, producers & markets together on ONE Maine online platform
  • Free “Independent Store” Setup

    Vendors get individualized customizable stores of their own to tailor to their needs.

  • Free assistance when you need it

    Support and Documentation to Run Farm Store Hassle-free.

  • Open 5 Days a Week Online – 24/5

    5 Days Shopping, 1 Day Prep, 1 Day for Market.

  • Order Management

    Vendors are able to easily manage orders and get notified on new orders, list by filters, status, add notes for tracking and more.

    Customers receive notifications with every order detail and status change from the Farm Store system.
  • Pre-Orders:

      • Learn what customers want to buy

      • Easier Production Planning

      • Easier Inventory Planning

      • Spot seasonal shifts faster

      • Know your customers better (relationship)

      • Less Work at the Market

  • Pick up at farmers’ market:
    6 Maine Market Regions Available

  • Great Customer Experience:

      • Their order is always ready for pickup

      • They can Arrive at market anytime

      • A valuable time saver

FARM STORE & YOU: "The Next Big Thing"

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